Optimum Esthetics and Reliability
Dentegris offers with the parallel walled SLS-Straight implants, as well as the root-shaped sinus lift and soft-bone implants different types of implants for all indications in many lengths and diameters. The implants feature a reliable hexagon socket connection with prosthetic components for all indications and offer optimal seal and physiological force transfer. Dentegris implants have a hydrophilic wrinkled blast surface of the highest safety. All implant types share a common prosthetic platform.
Long-term Warranty for Bone Integration
10-year Warranty
Please request our warranty form in case of an implant failure to integrate into the bone or in case of implant loss. Send the completed form, along with the unsterilized implant in sterile packaging to Dentegris in Germany. We will provide a new implant of your choice free of charge.
Proven bacteria-tight connection
The colonization of implant cavities by oral pathogens represents a major factor in the development of periimplantitis, a condition that frequently leads to implant loss. The re-infection of the tissue around the implant that is caused by the permeability of the microscopic gap between the implant and the abutment for bacteria plays an important role in this process.
Proven Internal Hexagon Connection
30 Years of Clinical Experience! The optimal prosthetic stability and fit facilitate the placement of secondary components and impression posts. The tapered neck guarantees a more even distribution of occlusal forces, while the deep interior connection provides perfect control for a correct fit.